How to Smoke Dabs


Budder, shatter, waxthe realm of marijuana concentrates is delightful to explore. But, in order to make the most benefit from these intense, concentrated, and potent extracts you must learn to take the right amount.

Essentially, smoking a dab is heating up the concentrated to its vaporized point and inhaling the vapors part in the synthesis of cannabinoids and terpenes. Therefore, as long as you follow these simple instructions, there are numerous methods to smoke a dab.

How to Smoke Dabs using dab Rig

Of the many ways to smoke dabs, dab equipment is the preferred method. You can pick either a standard dab rig setup or dab rigs that include an electronic nail (electric nail).

Standard Dab Rig

The most popular way to smoke dabs is to use a traditional dab rig. There are a variety of fancy configurations, but these are usually the same parts that include a water chamber, a mouthpiece to inhale, a dome to encapsulate the heat and vapors, as well as a nail to warm the dab.

To use a dab rig, lift the dome out, heat the nail, put it back in the dome, add your dab to the nail using a dabber or a dab tool, and then take a deep breath. A lot of people prefer to put a carb cap to cover the dome in order to limit the flow and heat of vapors.

Electric Dab Rig

The electric dab device functions exactly the same way as a traditional dab rig but with one significant advantage: the device uses electricity to heat the nail, meaning you don’t have to manually heat it up. One benefit of an electric dab rig that has an electronic nail is you have more control over temperature.

When you’re using concentrates like THC oils, you want to keep a consistent temperature to protect the terpenes that are in the concentrate. This will help avoid lousy flavor. But an exact temperature regulation makes e-rigs the ideal option for concentrates such as live resin or terp sauce.

How to smoke Dabs without the use of a Dab Rig

T-Wax (rolled in a joint)

T-waxing can be a common way to smoke dabs, albeit a little messy. If you’ve got a good bud and a potent concentrate, all you need to do is to add a tiny bit of your concentrate into the weed you’re rolling into one. This is most effective with concentrated concentrates with a thicker consistency like budder and sugar wax. Concentrates with thinner concentrations such as RSO oils can make it difficult to achieve a decent fire once you’ve ignited.


Vaping concentrates is a straightforward process if you have the proper setup and provides one of the most effective ways to smoke dabs while on the go. It is necessary to have a setup with a separate, separate atomizer and battery, so it is easy to place your dab directly on the atomizer (heating coil). The trick to this method is to determine the ideal temperature for the concentrate to become vaporized, which is why you’ll need a vaping setup that allows you to have an adjustable temperature.

Other methods of vaping other than “vape pens” include cannabis vaporizers designed specifically for concentrates. These vaporizers work well for those who don’t like cartridges but prefer other kinds of concentrate and also for those who wish to take their marijuana on the move.

Hot-Knife Method

If you have nothing else available, the hot knife method is the simplest and the most straightforward method of taking just a little. Simply heat an iron butter knife on the stove, or use a torch lighter, drop your dab onto the hot surface and inhale the vapors through a straw. This process can produce lots of waste and is a bit dangerous because you must be careful not to burn your hands, however, it is a viable option in a pinch.

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